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This sums up my ideals-- "I swear--by my life and my love of it--that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine." --Ayn Rand (from Galt's Speech, Atlas Shrugged

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Bad Beats

I won't elaborate, but in my last post I stated that I pushed in all my chips--metaphorically. My hand while strong and expertly played failed me in the end. But, it did not break me. I can not be broken. One can NOT fail completely when one plays life's game with full awareness and a sense of purpose. Hand's can be lost. People can be lost. However as long as you played your best with the limited information that you had at the time--as long as you did what was right given the context you weren't completely beat because you learned knew knowledge, and you won't make the same mistake again.

This post was mostly for myself, but there is one other person in the world who could read and understand its full meaning.

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